Did you know that poking your face with many small needles can make you look younger? It’s true, and it’s a procedure called micro needling. But how effective is it and is it worth it?

If you’ve never heard of micro needling, you may think that the concept of piercing your skin for cosmetic purposes sounds a little crazy. But don’t be too quick to judge the procedure yet. Micro needling isn’t just for reducing the appearance of a few fine lines and wrinkles.

In fact, micro needling can help with a wide array of skin conditions. These include hyperpigmented dark spots, acne, scarring, stretch marks, large pores, and even hair loss. If you suffer from any of these conditions, micro needling may now be sounding much more attractive.

So, how can needles help these various skin conditions? You’ve clicked on the right article to find out. Throughout this article, we will be discussing the micro needling benefits, the procedure process, and the recovery process.

By the end of the article, you’ll be able to determine if micro needling is the right procedure for you. Let’s get right into it.

What Is Micro Needling?

Micro needling involves the use of tiny, sterilized needles on the skin for the cosmetic reasons previously mentioned. This procedure at first may sound similar to acupuncture. However, micro needling is very different from acupuncture in a variety of ways.

For example, acupuncture uses a few needles on specific points of the body, aiming to achieve a harmonizing effect on the body. On the other hand, micro needling involves many needles used on the face in a manner known as collagen induction therapy.

These needles are also not individual but instead are usually placed on a device known as a dermarolller. A dermaroller, as its name suggests, is a small rolling device covered in needles meant to pierce the skin. By puncturing the skin with these needles, collagen production in the skin will occur and allow the skin to heal smoother and firmer than before.

Some laser treatments also work to reduce dark spots, acne scars, skin tone, and fine lines and wrinkles. So, how is micro needling any different?

Firstly, laser treatments tend to be much more expensive than micro needling. Secondly, laser treatments don’t tend to work on those with darker skin tones. Because of this, micro needling may be a great alternative to laser when treating people with darker skin.

So, what is the procedure like? From here, we’ll dive into some micro needling advice and what to expect during the treatment.

How to Prepare for the Procedure

Before going through with a micro needling procedure, it is important to keep a few things in mind. For at least 24 hours before the procedure, you should stay out of any direct sunlight. This is because the sun can irritate and possibly burn your skin, which can lead to the micro needling treatment not being as effective as it should be.

If you are taking Accutane (Isotretinoin) or have taken this medication within the past 6 months, you should not go in for micro needling treatment. You will need to wait 6 months since you last took Accutane before you can try micro needling. This is because the medication can interfere with the effects of the micro needling treatment.

Do not use any harsh exfoliating products on your skin before your treatment. This is because exfoliants strip the skin of natural oils and can increase the likelihood of bacteria entering and irritating the skin. In general, it is important for your skin to be calm before any micro needling treatments.

This also means that you should not use any topical products before your micro needling treatment. This includes avoiding retinol products and antibiotics.

On the day you plan on getting micro needling treatments, the only thing you should do to your face is gently cleanse it with a non-irritating wash. That means you shouldn’t wear any makeup or lotions when going in for your appointment. However, if you are unable to clean your face properly before the treatment, whoever is delivering the treatment will be able to clean your skin for you.

During the Procedure

Any micro needling procedure should be performed either by a trained dermatologist or an aesthetician. When you arrive with a clean, dry face, your skin will likely be coated with a numbing cream.

The idea of having your skin punctured by many tiny needles sounds very painful, but is it really? After the numbing cream is applied to your face and allowed to sit for about 30 minutes, your face shouldn’t be able to feel much other than pressure once the dermaroller is applied to your skin. At most, you may feel discomfort, but not pain.

If you do feel pain, you may ask your micro needling provider for more numbing cream. Some describe their skin feeling tight and warm during the procedure as if they had been sunburned. This feeling is the result of the increased blood flow to your face.

The entire treatment should last around 20 minutes. You may feel more pain depending on the depth of the needles you or your micro needling provider chose. The deeper the needles go into your skin, the more discomfort you may feel, but the results are often better.

Big micro needling advantages start to appear when radiofrequency waves are added along with the needles. These radiofrequency waves give your skin an extra boost of collagen production in addition to the stimulation provided by the needles themselves. Sometimes, serums are used with the procedure which work deep within the skin and can also improve the results.

You can have selected areas of your face targeted with the micro needling treatment such as around the eyes if you have crow’s feet. You can also have your entire face micro needled. This is a great option for those with acne scars or dark spots across their whole face.

After the Procedure

After the micro needling procedure, a hydrating mask or soothing serum will often be applied to your face to calm it down. Any bleeding caused by the needle punctures will be cleaned.

While you may not immediately see improvements in your skin tone and texture, the treatment will start working immediately. This is because your body will quickly start to heal the many needle punctures across your face by producing more collagen. This new collagen will fill in any bumpy textures or wrinkles in your skin.

You will begin to see significant improvements within a few weeks of your initial treatment. Most people, in order to get their desired results, will often need to go in for multiple treatments. An average number is 4 to 6 treatments for optimal results, though this number depends on the severity of your skin.

For example, those with fine lines and wrinkles may need only a few treatments to get the look they want. Those with scars or dark spots, however, may need more treatments to even out their skin tone and texture.

Taking care of your skin after your micro needling procedure is just as important as before the procedure. Again, be sure to stay out of direct sunlight for at least 48 hours since the sun can irritate your skin. Also avoid swimming, exercising, and using harsh skincare products for one or two days after your treatment.

The Micro Needling Benefits

One of the biggest non-cosmetic benefits to micro needling is that there is no downtime. It is also convenient, affordable, and quick.

After micro needling, you will start to notice significant improvements in your skin quality. Dark spots and scars will gradually fade and your skin tone will become more uniform.

Wrinkles caused by age or by sun damage will also begin to diminish after several treatments. You may find that your pores seem tighter and smaller, giving your skin an overall clear and radiant look.

There are minimal side effects to micro needling. Sometime after your treatment, you may find that your skin is tight and flaky, but this can be remedied with a moisturizer. For those who scar easily or have a tendency to develop keloids, micro needling is not recommended as it can aggravate scar formation.

Under rare conditions, and especially if you did not get your micro needling treatments from a professional, infection can occur at the needle puncture areas. However, the risk of infection from micro needling is overall very low.


If you would like to schedule an appointment, contact us now to make an appointment. (619) 814-5500