Today Janette Gray, MD (Medical Director and Founder of CHWB) and Adam Silberman, ND share their thoughts around a few of the key components of Integrative Medicine utilized at The Center for Health and Wellbeing and its role as an integrated medical practice in San Diego.

Watch now: 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

✔️ Why the focus on the best of both worlds (allopathic western medicine) with that of more holistic practices including naturopathic medicine are critical.

✔️ How Platelet-Rich Plasma and Prolotherapy stimulates new tissue growth (permanently improving your pain and buying you more time before you need a joint replacement)

✔️ Information about their comprehensive approach to managing pain in patients (anything from acute to chronic injuries like osteoarthritis in the knee for example)

✔️ What happens when you combine PRP and Prolotherapy with integrative modalities like acupuncture, chiropractic and strong rehab protocols (the whole package) and how it produces significant results

✔️ The importance of having alternatives and a more curative approach (as opposed to band-aid fixes) and why this means everything to the team at CHWB.

And much more.

Questions? Get in touch with CHWB or book an appointment here to learn more:

Thanks for watching!