migraines in women

Women account for 85% of chronic migraine sufferers. In fact, around 28 million females experience migraines in America alone.

Migraines can stem from triggers including stress, weather changes, medication, and even diet. However, the imbalance between migraines in men vs women is largely due to the presence of hormones.

So what causes migraines in women and how can you ease the pain of these debilitating events? Follow along to discover everything you need to know, from migraine triggers in women to the prevention of the painful occurrence.

What Is a Migraine

A migraine is a much deeper pain than your average headache. In fact, people who suffer from migraines often find their daily activities interrupted when an episode occurs.

The pain of a migraine is described as a pulsing or throbbing and is usually on one side of the head. Along with the head pain, migraine symptoms in women often include vomiting, nausea, and extreme sensitivity to light and/or sound.

These symptoms can last anywhere from an hour to multiple days depending on the individual. Many sufferers also experience an aura with their migraines. The auras can be visual disturbances such as blind spots or flashes of light or can send tingling and numbness to other areas such as the face, leg, or arm.

What Causes Migraines in Women

As a woman’s menstrual cycle progresses, the body experiences changes in the hormones produced. One of the main hormones that fluctuate through this cycle is called estrogen.

The drop in estrogen before the period is one of the most common migraine triggers in women. However, menstrual-related migraines don’t necessarily happen at the same time as your period. If you experience a migraine at the same stage in your cycle each month, this could be an indication that your hormones are the cause.

Preventing Migraines in Women

Because one of the primary causes of migraines in women is the hormonal cycle, not every migraine treatment will address the root problem. While some may find relief from over-the-counter medications, many of these products are not FDA approved for this purpose.

To reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines in women, there are a number of avenues you can explore.

Prescription Drugs

Seeing a medical professional about your migraines can help determine whether hormones are the cause. This can be helpful in determining an adequate treatment and prevention plan.

Some women experience great relief from the consistent use of a birth control pill. Others may need the help of a stronger medication to reduce the symptoms

Natural Supplementation

Naturopathic medicine allows us to approach the treatment of migraines in women in a natural way. With this approach, you’ll begin taking supplements and herbs to balance deficiencies in the body.

You may even notice that practicing different activities around your migraines can help reduce the pain. Some women feel exercise is helpful, however, everyone’s results are different and triggers can vary.

Dealing With Migraines in Women

If you’ve experienced migraine symptoms as a woman seeking professional guidance is always a wise choice. From identifying the migraine triggers in women to treating the pain, there’s no reason to live with these episodes any longer.

Think your head pain may be more than the average headache? Get in touch with us today to discover how we can identify, treat, and prevent migraines in women and get you back on track to a healthy, happy life.