Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy involves...

Using stem cells, which are undifferentiated cells with the potential to develop into various cell types in the body, to treat or prevent diseases or injuries. These cells  are derived from umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells.

The umbilical cord tissue is an abundant source of mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent stem cells that have the capacity to self-renew, release trophic factors, and can differentiate into specialized cells including osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes. These cells have immunosuppressive effects. 

 This holds potential for treating a wide range of conditions, from orthopedic injuries to neurodegenerative diseases, by harnessing the body’s natural healing abilities.

Joint Stem Cell Injections


1cc 10milion Cells

Joint stem cell injections involve injecting stem cells directly into a joint, such as the knee, shoulder, or hip. These stem cells have the potential to develop into various cell types within the joint, promoting tissue repair and reducing inflammation. This therapy is used to treat conditions like osteoarthritis, aiming to improve joint function, reduce pain, and potentially delay the need for surgical intervention.

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Stem Cell IV (1cc 10 million Cells)


1cc 10milion Cells

Stem cell IV therapy involves infusing stem cells directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous line. These stem cells travel throughout the body, targeting areas of injury or disease. This treatment aims to promote tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and support the body’s natural healing processes. 

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